About Me
Hello you!
I believe that there’s an eco warrior inside each and every one of us; I lost touch with my own for a very long time but now I’m back on track and trying hard to do my bit to make the world a better place. I’d love for you to join me on my journey!

I wanted a hobby that enabled me to write again, I figured this was the best way to do it and I’m proud to say I’ve always blogged/written for myself & my own wellbeing. My aim was to look back on how things have changed, if I’ve improved over time. I’ve always had a fear of losing my memory, so I just want this to be a place to document the things I’m passionate about, a place for me to remember who I am should my worst fear ever happen. If people happen to enjoy this blog with me then I would be over the moon & I'm honoured to be able to share part of my life with you!
I know when I started blogging, it was much more about the writing; after having a break away from blogging and coming back to it now, I see that even in a year the culture, community and 'feel' around blogging is vastly different, especially in terms of blog appearance. However I welcome change and the opportunity to learn new things and move with the times, as well as meet new people.
The way I plan my content now is definitely going to be different to when I first started this blog. I plan to write about my journey into being cruelty-free, eco-friendly, sustainable, organic and anything along those lines mainly in relation to lifestyle but not exclusively; if I feel like it I’ll dip into my other passions such as beauty & fashion. This blog is going to be somewhat a reflection of my life so I don't plan to limit the content or topics I cover, there'll hopefully be something for everyone to enjoy or relate to! I’m hoping my new lifestyle choices will benefit my overall mental and physical health and I’m looking forward to getting back in touch with my eco-warrior roots and hopefully this blog will keep that spark alive for good!