My Dreadlock Diary #5 - The Week After The Wash
11:30Hey cats!
This probably isn't going to be the longest of posts because not too much has happened in a week or so, but I figured it's best to write any kind of update for my little memory bank than nothing at all. So here's how my week has been after my first ever dread wash!
A Week Away
In a style so true to myself, I was really cutting it short in terms of time, as I got my dreads installed with full knowledge that only a couple of weeks later I'd be spending a week at my boyfriends house, as well as attending a family wedding! Luckily for me everything went off without a hitch, my dreads felt glorious the whole time and I managed to tame them into a cute half-up sort of 'do' for the wedding; my boyfriend refers to it as 'elf hair' which is where I take a small chunk of hair from above each ear and pull to the back of my head, clipping both sides in the middle. If you're unsure what I mean just google elf hair and that pretty much nails it! The wedding was super fun, my hair stayed in place all night (a first for me!) and I felt really good, which is all I wanted above everything as it meant I could relax a bit and enjoy myself without worrying.
Naturally as time goes on my dreads are getting messier and 'poofier' but that's to be expected, there's also a lot of loose hair poking out here and there which again is totally normal as hair doesn't automatically dread and stay that way, it's a process you've got to work through. I'm planning to book in some maintenance with the lady who did my dreads in the first place so that they can be tidied up and helped on their way to knotting up properly.
Caring For My Dreadies
Before I got my dreads I made sure I had everything I would need already stocked up, one of the most important things being a crochet hook (I bought a 1mm & a 0.75mm hook) as this is a really useful tool for dreadlock maintenance. I had a go trying to use a crochet hook to tuck in some loose strands after watching a couple of YouTube tutorials, I managed to but I found it very fiddly and slow going, which resulted in my hands hurting quite quickly.
After the wash I found it quite funny that the hair at the roots of my dreads (which isn't fully dreaded as new hair is always growing) didn't go 'poofy' afterwards but instead became smooth 'normal' hair, quite a juxtaposition in comparison to my little noodles! After giving the roots a massage they've fuzzed up and started to re-dread by themselves, potential crisis averted.
Drama then hit the news with fears of 'superlice', as if normal lice weren't a bad enough threat with any hair, let alone dreadlocks. Naturally I wanted to protect myself against any chance of this happening and I managed to find a really cheap tea tree spray from Quality Save (that's made up of mainly essential oils & is cruelty-free) that I spritz on after washing so that it absorbs into my scalp, I also use it just before heading out. It's great to give your hair a freshen and can also help to prevent dandruff!
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On the left are two of my most important tools and on the right is my now redundant hairbrush! |
How I'm Feeling
I still absolutely adore my dreads and it's honestly so hard to find fault with them; they're giving more confidence than before and I feel much less nervous about them in public. A lot of people do still stare, do double-takes, children look and make remarks their parents, some people smile back at's normal really because I've experienced this most of my life. It's just hair but many view it as something strange or unique. I suppose it is quite unique perhaps?
They even seem longer already to me and I know that's most likely because they're settling down rather than sticking up all over the place, either way it's a sign that normal progress is happening. Part of me wished I'd done a blonde ombré to the ends of my hair before dreading but I really didn't want to damage my hair after getting it back to good condition took such a long time, plus hair can't be dreaded if it's in poor condition. I do have to say though months on now writing this diary entry up, my previous hair colour (which I matched to my own) is actually washing out or lightening, and the ends of my hair are becoming blonde!
After washing not much else changed, the dandruff reappeared so I just re-salted and shampoo'd my hair a week later, other than that there isn't much else to report. My friends and family are getting more used to them, many people (including strangers) compliment them or are interested in them and these little beansprouts on my head are already impacting my life in a positive way. I'm that bit more carefree and spontaneous, I've gotten so much free time back that I usually would have spent blow-drying and styling my hair every 2-3 days, which in turn has eased the strain of my fatigue somewhat. All in all I'm still very happy with what I consider my 'life-changing' decision!
I hope you're enjoying this series so far and if there's anything you want to know then just leave a comment below!
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